Each team member can set their top motivators. When creating a data file, the number of top motivators (usually between 3 and 5) that each team member can and must set for themselves is defined once.
These top motivators should be entered by each team member regardless of a particular situation, they are constant over a longer lifetime that they belong to the value system of a person.
To do this, each member uses the sliders to set the predefined number of their top motivators in a range of values from 1 to 3.
If all motivators for a member are saved, these personal motivators will be saved as a baseline.
When all team members of a team (selected in the upper left corner) have saved their base values, the actual part of the „game“ begins:
At the end of a meeting, a project phase or a workshop, or also at certain other times such as lessons learned, each team member now considers how his or her personal motivation was influenced by the way of working, the project process, the team cooperation, by the behavior of superiors. If there are motivators that could not be acted out temporarily, the slider is reduced accordingly. (It cannot be increased).
The example of Nadja now shows that Nadja did not feel the expected recognition due to the situation (reduction by one point) and above all that she felt more restricted. (reduction by 2 points). One (of many) theses could be: Nadja was restricted in her freedom of decision within her area of competence. Thereby she lacked the recognition of her competence. This could have happened by superiors but also by other team members. Here the following team view gets now a large meaning:
In this example, the team view shows that the following values have suffered in the team due to the situation: Acceptance, Possibility of Power, Freedom and Goal. The team or the managers can work with this feedback. It is a good idea to find out the causes and work together on improvements.
You can agree at any time – for example after a debate – to reset the Moving shares. This is done by double-clicking on the top line „Team anzeigen„